Hello AMS-SE Members and Friends,
I have the happy task of announcing that by unanimous consent, the membership of AMS-SE has confirmed the nominations of Tim Carter and David Levy as Honorary Members of the chapter. Congratulations to both these deserving members who have done so much for our discipline and our chapter!!
Unfortunately, I have some sad news to convey as well. We have decided to move the fall meeting to an online format. The huge increase in COVID-19 infections due to the delta variant convinced us that it would be dangerous and unethical to gather a group of people together from around the region even with safety precautions in place. Additionally, many of our members have lost travel funding or work for institutions that do not allow travel. We will host the conference on October 9, the date we originally announced for the meeting. Presenters will have the option of giving their papers live via Zoom or submit a video recording with live Q&A afterwards as we have done in the past. Amanda Sewell will present the keynote. The program committee will send out acceptances to the program soon, and I will announce a schedule for October 9 in another email to the chapter.
While we will acknowledge Drs. Carter and Levy at our business meeting, we hope to have a more extended celebration of our new honorary members at an in-person Spring meeting. Of course, nothing is certain with this pandemic, but Kelsey Klotz and Jay Grymes at UNC Charlotte have graciously agreed to extend their duties as local arrangement chairs until the spring, and we hope to convene next semester at the Dubois Center, the university’s downtown Charlotte meeting facility. We will announce the date as soon as possible.
As a reminder, we will elect a new Secretary-Treasurer at our business meeting to replace Heather Buffington-Anderson who is leaving the area. Please send nominations to Kristen Turner at turnerk1@bellsouth.net.
Membership dues ($15) for 2021–2022 can be paid through Paypal at this link.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Best wishes,
Kristen Turner
President, AMS-SE Chapter