Doctoral Dissertations in Musicology
Randall E. Goldberg
Where Nature and Art Adjoin: Investigations into the Zarlino-Galilei Dispute, Including an Annotated Translation of Vincenzo Galilei's Discorso intorno all’opere di Messer Gioseffo Zarlino
DDM index no. 11904- Ph.D. in Musicology, Indiana University, 2011; Thomas J. Mathiesen, advisor
- Classification: Historical Musicology – Period: Renaissance – Subject: treatises, 1550-1600
- 418 pages, 10 prefatory pages
- Features: dedication, illustrations, tables, musical examples, translations, bibliography
- Keywords: Florence, Venice, humanism, history of music theory, Sopplimenti musicali, temperament
- ProQuest Dissertation Express: 3449553
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