
Upcoming Meetings

The Capital Chapter of the American Musicological Society is pleased to announce its Fall 2024 Chapter Meeting, to be held jointly with the Atlantic Chapter of the Music Library Association, at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, on Friday and Saturday, October 18-19.

Registration for the meeting is now open. Please complete the web form by Monday, September 9, 2024. In addition to in-person attendance, you may also register for virtual attendance via Zoom, but note that the meeting will not be recorded. 

The meeting includes 12 papers/presentations, split evenly between AMS-CC and AtMLA presenters. Additionally, special presentations from Library of Congress staff and the Boulanger Institute, a tour of the LoC Jefferson Building, and a Friday evening jazz concert featuring Eddie Palmieri are included in the agenda. You may view an outline of the meeting program here, including abstracts of the presentations.

For travel and lodging information, see Note that the reservation deadline for the special-rate block of rooms at Capitol Hill Hotel is Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

Please write to AMS-CC chapter chair Aaron Ziegel,, with any questions.

Past Meetings